Midsummer Munro

As my previous post suggested, my outlook on running has changed a bit over the last few weeks and months. As a result, I thought I might try something a bit different for my next race.

The Trionium Midsummer Munro is a annual off-road half marathon, with a height gain and loss of 3000 ft, the equivalent of a Scottish Munro. However, this year the course was extended to take in part of the Olympic cycling route at Box Hill, in honour of UK Capital City 2012 (amended for legal reasons).

16 miles and 3500 ft later, I’d run the most enjoyable race of the year so far. Brilliant views over the North Downs (nearly) made up for the multiple near-vertical stair climbs!

The atmosphere was fantastic, the marshalls and water stations did a sterling (or should that be Stirling?) job, and the lone bagpiper at the most remote point of the course was enough give you goosebumps. Trionium are an independent group who organise some of Britain’s toughest races, and have gained a reputation by consistently appearing in various top-rated trail race lists. I’ll certainly be running a few more, I think.

For those interested, I finished in 2:51:42 and came 29th.

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